NEWARK — A man was arrested and charged with the brutal beating of an employee who told him not to cut the line at a chicken restaurant.
Public Safety Director Brian O’Hara said the assault on Feb. 5 at the Golden Wings Fish and Fried Chicken a block from University Hospital was promoted by a "quarrel."
Mohamar A. Ruiz, 31, of Newark, was arrested on a charge of aggravated assault on Feb. 20, according to O'Hara.
The woman involved and police told RLS Metro Breaking News that after the woman told the man to go to the end of the line the man pulled the woman’s hair, choked her with his arm and slammed her to the floor while shouting "this is my f***ng hood."
The attack left the woman with a loss of sight in her swollen right eye, a cut on her upper lip and injuries to her ribs.
Dan Alexander is a reporter for New Jersey 101.5. You can reach him at
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